Western Culture vs. Eastern Culture - WESTONECULTURE

Western Culture vs. Eastern Culture

Western Culture

The culture of: If everyone did that this place would go to hell in a hand basket, so don't do it. 

Western Europeans: Men of the West created the phenomenon where they are responsible for 97% of human accomplishment since the 14th century. Results illustrated above by the featured image on this post. A combination of meritocracy, high trust, truth to face, self determination by self-determined means, limited authority, and militia of every able bodied man insuring each others sovereignty. Only problem is we have lost our way and remained tolerant in the face of what can only be described as a Marxist infestation and conquest of our institutions. 


1) Restore and defend our One Culture that is undeniably better than all the rest with ample results to show for it. 

2) Wear WestOneCulture Patriotic T-shirts

Middle Eastern Culture

The culture of: If I don't do it someone else will. so do it. 

Middle East: Very maladaptive yielding obviously bad results for many reasons chief among them being face before truth and tribal nepotism stifling innovation and productivity.

Solution: Both Islam and Jews are in need of reform, mindfulness alone isn't enough and Marx adapted Das Capital from Abrahamic texts so moving away from Abraham would be wise. 

North East Asian Culture

China: Communism just doesn't work anywhere any time no matter what and they moved from it for a while but sadly are now moving back to it so their future is at best mediocre but most likely abysmal. Comes down to lack of incentive and rule of law destroying any chance at healthy behavioral economics.

Solution: Large groups of citizens going on long walks together.


Japan and South Korea: Silver and bronze respectively, they have most of what made Western Europe such a unique hot spot of innovation except truth to face and that was enough to hold them back from innovating them selves but have been magnificent at adopting Western innovations and sometimes perfecting them 

Solution: On a nation wide cultural level tell the boss he is wrong and send him back to his office where he belongs immediately.  




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